Senior Government Officials Rebuff Opposition Protesters’ Demands

Senior government officials said Monday that they will not bow to the demands of opposition protesters to unseat Prime Minister Hun Sen, but remained coy over the government’s likely response if the daily protests continue. The opposition CNRP, which has rejected the official results of the July 28 national election, has been leading two weeks of demonstrations and marches to demand that Mr. Hun Sen stand down or call a new election. … Chheang Vun, a senior CPP lawmaker, said that the estimated 50,000 people who marched through Phnom Penh chanting “Hun Sen, get out” paled in comparison to the 3.2 million who had voted for the ruling CPP in July. … Mr. Vun added that the CPP was still open to negotiate with the CNRP to end the protests but said the opposition was placing too many conditions on a meeting. CNRP Vice President Kem Sokha reiterated that the opposition would only enter into party negotiations if NGOs, monks and intellectuals were allowed to attend. Council of Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan said the government was being lenient in allowing many marchers and demonstrators to close the city’s streets, as it recognized their constitutionally enshrined freedom to protest. …

Phorn Bopha and Alex Willemyns